Hi Andy, 我幾年前都曾經中風,一直都有footdrop問題,唔知你個時有冇呢? 請問要如何解決呢? Speed 25 Dec 2008 |
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Hi Speed, 謝謝你的留言! 我中風初時也同樣有Footdrop這問題(其實大多數的中風病人都有這問題的)。走路時前腳掌時常碰到路面,很容易做成跌倒十分危險。皮鞋的前端也因此而磨損了一大塊。 還記得病發初期在九龍醫院做康復治療時,物理治療師使用了電脈衝機來刺激我的脛前肌(Tibialis Anterior Muscle小腿前側長長的肌肉),使腳掌往上翹起。經過多次電脈衝機的刺激和練習後,脛前肌便可回復輕微的活動能力。脛前肌回復了活動能力後便應加強鍛鍊,只要脛前肌的力度足以在走路時以把腳掌往上翹起,便可解決Footdrop的問題了。閣下可參考我的「中風康復100式」內的A14、A16、B09、B16A等四個運動來鍛鍊。這是我在康復時特別為鍛鍊脛前肌而自行設計的運動,以我的經驗如果勤力鍛鍊,三至四個月便可大大改善Footdrop的問題了。我現在可以跑步、走路時步姿正常,也是解決了Footdrop的問題後才得以實現。 以下兩個網頁是一些有關Footdrop的輔助工具: - http://www.footdrop.org/whatisthefootliftassist.htm - http://www.allardusa.com/pdf/BR%20folder%20eng.pdf 祝早日康復,健步如飛! Andy Lo 26 Dec 2008 |
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Hi Andy, 我丈夫剛在數天前中風, 中風時才50多歲, 我想找些資料去幫他, 在yahoo search找到你的blog. 多謝你的分享, 內容積極進取, 給病患者很大的鼓舞. 但我最希望你能說說, 作為妻子的應有的態度, 以及如何給以幫助, 及如何開解丈夫. Teresa |
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Hi Teresa, 很抱歉再一次聽到不幸的消息,實在感同身受! 最近收到有多位病友家屬和病友的電郵,都是五十多歲的年輕中風者(跟我差不多年齡)。患上中風,不論對病者和整個家庭都是很大的打擊。作為病者最親的人(妻子)應堅強面對,切勿在病者面前表現出十分憂慮(其實每位親人都會十分憂慮的)、不知所措。中風初期病者的情緒會變得極度低落、焦慮、甚至自暴自棄、怨天尤人,這是很自然的事。作為妻子(病者身邊最信任的人)應: (1) 表現出堅強、獨立,家中的一切大小事務均可應付自如,令病者放心接受漫長的治療。 (2) 多安慰病者,告訴病者將來只要積極做物理治療和職業治療,是有很大機會痊癒的。 請問你丈夫現時的病況如何?是否清醒? Andy Lo 5 Dec 2008 |
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To: Lo, |
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翔藍, 謝謝您的來信! 聽到這個不幸的消息實在感同身受,十分難過!中風不但是病者的事,同時也是病者家屬的事。所以閣下必需保持冷靜,與醫生保持密切聯絡,切勿自亂陣腳不知所措。要有充足的心理準備,病者日後還會有很漫長的康復之路須要閣下陪伴一起走過的。 如果你爸爸的手腳還可以活動,相信病情比較樂觀。至於需時多久才可由「深切治療病房」轉到普通病房,這要由病者的主診醫生因應病情來決定的,各人不同。如果病情穩定相信很快便可轉到普通病房,因「深切治療病房」的運作成本十分昂貴,如無必要是不會久留的。 日後如病者的病情穩定,可以轉到普通病房及開始接受物理治療,閣下應多留意病者的負面心理情況,因這會直接影響到病者在首六個月「黃金康復期」的黃金康復機會的。 祝你爸爸能堅強面對,早日康復! 中風康復者 |
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Andy lo , 我今天去左探我爸爸 今日佢冇再插喉了 |
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翔藍, 本人中風初期也有說話時口齒不清的情況,而且記憶力減退和閱讀理解的能力也受損,苦不堪言!尤幸經過多月的訓練後便漸漸恢復了過來,不過到現時短期記憶力仍然比中風前較差,時常忘記近期發生的事情,這是中風病人常見的後遺症。 「黃金康復期」 是指中風後首六個月的時間內,如果病者能勤做康復運動,其康復的速度比較日後其他時段都快得多。所以當病情穩定,經醫生同意後便應開始做康復治療(如物理治療和職業治療),並勤加練習,對日後的康復會有極大的幫助。請參閱本人網頁內有關的文章(www.autosoft.com.hk/stroke)。 中風康復者 |
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翔藍, 中風病人病發初期會有痛苦、無助、情緒低落的情況,這是很自然的事(本人中風時也有同樣的問題)。你爸爸現時情況是很正常的,你應盡量給予開解和安慰,明確告訴他中風是可以治療的。待他病情穩定後便可開始康復治療,只要有恆心和決心病情是可以改善和康復的。日後如有需要可向心理醫生求助。 中風康復者 |
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Andy Lo, 今日係星期一 醫院突然打電話給我拎我十分緊張 |
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翔藍, 你爸爸可轉到普通病房,相信病情已穩定下來,這是好的開始! 中風後因口部肌肉活動能力受損,以致口齒不清和吞噬、喝水困難,這是中風病者常見的情況(本人中風初期也有同樣問題)。但日後經語言治療師和物理治療師的協助下,勤做口部肌肉康復運動,問題便可解決。 中風不單是病者的問題,同時也是病者家屬的問題(尤其是病者是家中的經濟支柱,正如本人一樣),對整個家庭未來的經濟情況影響甚大! 請問你爸爸年紀多大?做甚麼工作?是否公務員或在公共機構工作? 中風康復者 |
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Andy Lo 我覺得 醫生覺得爸爸大腦捐受捐可能好嚴重 |
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翔藍, |
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Andy Lo |
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翔藍, 不用客氣!助己助人,何樂而不為? 本人也曾認識一位病友,他在中風初期也有失憶的問題,甚至連家人、認字和閱讀的能力也出現問題,但現時已完全康復了。所以請不要過份擔心,待病情穩定後經治療師的協助和訓練後,病情是可以得到改善的!最重要是你爸爸的病情穩定下來後,經醫生同意,便應盡快開始做康復治療(物理治療和職業治療)。 中風病人的康復是十分需家人的關心和鼓勵的,病者除了日常生活的不便外,心理上的創傷和痛苦更比生理上的不便大上千倍。要有心理準備,整個康復期是十分辛苦和漫長的,病者和家屬都需要付出最大的恆心,互相扶持才可走過這路的。 請參閱本人以下各有關文章: 「心路歷程」、「給治療師的信」、「給各病友的信」 中風康復者 |
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Andy Lo |
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Dear Andy, I found your website when I searched for questions about mini stroke. I am just gathering information from here and there. I found your story both compelling and inspiring and I hope you have completely recovered. My father had a mini stroke on Oct 11. He stayed in a hospital (the
same one as you in Taipo) for a few days and had all kinds of test.
But the doctor couldn't find anything from the Cat scan. Right now, he
has speaking and swallowing problem but no movement problems. He is 78
and living alone. He is thin and in good shape but his diet is not so
good, perhaps eating too much salty food. |
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Hi Lee Wai Ming, Thank you for your email. I am now about 90% recovered, and look like a normal man! Fighting against stroke is a long term process, hope I’ll reach 99.99…% in the soon future. Your father was lucky (has speaking and swallowing problems only) when comparing with most other stroke patients (like me). But be cautioned, this may be the signal of the 2nd stroke in the soon future! As he likes to eat salty food, this may result in high blood pressure, which is one of the main reasons to cause stroke. 1. Do you think it is okay for him to live alone after the mini stroke? 4. Is there anything else he should be doing? Right now he isn't doing
any kind of therapy. Best regards, Andy Lo 25-10-2008 |
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Dear Andy, Thank you very much for your quick reply. It is very kind of you to answer all the strangers' questions. I really appreciate it.? I continued to read your story again today. You're a very special person to be able to conquer all the problems you had. Your website really gives a lot of hope to people. Also, you seem to have a wonderful wife and sons too. It is good to hear that you are closer to reaching your goal of 100% recovery. As for my father, we'll try to get a speech therapist for him and also talk to a nutritionist about his diet. Surely, we'll take your valuable advice. It's a long story, but my father is a very difficult person to deal with. It's going to take a long time to persuade him to have a maid and not to eat salty fish. Right now, we just have to try our best to avoid him having another stroke. Again, thanks so much for your advice. Best regards, Ming 25-10-2008 |
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Hi Ming, You are welcome! Yes, family member's support is very important for a stroke patient to get recovered! I am lucky to have my wife and two sons beside me to fight against stroke. Best regards, Andy Lo 25-10-2008 |
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你好, 本人的媽媽在7月腦中風, 現時的情況係可以慢慢的步行(但右邊身不是太靈活同無力,說話有時不大清楚),醫生說她應該11月可以出院了. 我一定會盡快教她做康復100 式. 我想問下你之前提及的十穀粥 在那間超級市場有售呢? 我找了兩間出名的也沒有啊. 其實我媽媽中風前都是吃紅米, 糙米飯, 我想她應該喜歡這十穀粥 , 想買給她試試. 謝謝. 25-10-2008 |
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Hi Agnes, 謝謝您的來信!很抱歉再一次聽到一個壞消息,祝願你媽媽早日康復!中風的康復是要付出很大的努力、很長的時間、持久的恆心和毅力才可以成功的,但願我的康復經驗能給她一點啟示和鼓勵,增強她對康復的信心,助她早日康復。 十榖粥可到「百佳超級市場」及「惠康超級市場」也可買到,但品質不太好。我現在到City’Super購買,這裡購買的十榖粥品質較佳。價格為$31.00一包,但遇著做特價時,可以較便宜的價錢購買兩包。 請代我問候你媽媽,祝願她早日康復! 盧敏銳 (Andy Lo) |
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Dear Andy, My father-in-law suffered from serious stroke recently and is now under depression. I hope to find ways to get rid of this. Please advice. Many thanks David |
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Hi David, I am sorry to hear this! Can you tell me more about the current situation of your father-in-law? 1. How old is he? Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Dear Andy, My father-in-law is 82, and was suffered from obstruction stroke with 2/3 right brain under shadow, thus the left half cannot move. He is now conscious and can talk after acunpture and Chinese medicine. In the hospital, the only medication is asprin plus hypertension control drug, but no anti-depressent drug (may be due to tight or avoid wastage of resources to save the aged.) I hope to find some way to ease his worries or depression, and help him to face the illness. David |
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Hi David, His situation is more or less same as mine (conscious and right half cannot move)! Also the same kind of medication (Asprin and hypertension control drug: Simethicone, plus Cholestero control drug: Simvastatin). I think taking anti-depressant drug is not the best way to solve the problem. The followings are my suggestions: 1. Explain to him that he has got stroke, it is a true fact and cannot
be changed; My article給病友的信and給治療師的信may give you some ideas to help him. Hope my suggestions can help your father-in-law to face his situation due to stroke. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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My thanks for your elaboration and support, I will try to help him think more positive, and at the same time, continue with psyscio and acunpture to help him recover in the "golden" 6 months David |
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Hi David,
All stroke patients have the depression problem (including me). A positive thinking is the first and most important step to start, this is also the first point I have suggested to the Physiotherapist (先心而後身) in my article給治療師的信. If necessary, a Psychotherapist may help. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Andy, Thank for your advice which is very helpful. Hope if you can advice how to make the tool to straighten the hand and palm. Is it available anywhere? David |
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Hi David, That tool was provided by the hospital「大埔雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院」. Please refer to my article「壓手板」. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Andy, Thanks, but I do not know how to make one 「壓手板」 myself, and can anywhere I can get one. It should be helpful to my grandfa David |
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Hi David, It is quite difficult for you to make one yourself, because you don't have the materials and the right tools to make it. Try to ask the Physiotherapist in the hosipal for help. I think they would help you to get (or make) one. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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drbee |
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謝謝您的留言! 你爸爸的年齡和我差不多,可幸的是他中風的嚴重程度比我較輕(起碼他的手腳還可以動)。中風對病者和病者家屬來說都是很大的打擊,尤其是中風的初期實在難以接受因而產生了不少負面的情緒,這是很自然的事。很高興你看了我的康復經歷後回復了信心,希望你爸爸也與你一樣有正面的心態和信心,努力勤做復康運動早日康復!以下是我的一些建議: (一)多與醫生溝通瞭解你爸爸中風的成因及預防再次中風的方法; 祝身體健康! 「半邊人」盧敏銳(Andy Lo) |
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Dear Andy,
我爸爸出左院喇,爸爸現時的情況係可以慢慢的步行(但左邊身不是太靈活同無力,說話同食野有困難),但好彩的是他是一個很樂觀同不會向中風認輸的人,所以我都要開始盡快幫爸爸做康復100式,令他可以再去釣魚同帶兩個可愛小孫女返學,真的很多謝你,祝你同我爸爸和所有中風病人都身體健康,一世都開開心心……. Drbee |
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Hi Drbee,
謝謝您的祝福! 很高興聽到這個好消息!樂觀和不認輸的正面態度是康復的好開始。好好把握首六個月的「黃金康復期」,趁肌肉和筋腱尚未萎縮前勤做康復運動,一段時間後(以我的康復經驗來說,大約九個月左右)一般日常生活的需要已可做到「不求人」自己照顧自己了。釣魚和帶兩個可愛小孫女返學的日子指日可待! 請代我問候您爸爸,祝他早日康復!努力…加油…! 盧敏銳(Andy Lo) |
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Hi Andy, My name is Wilkin. I just got your 康復之路url from Physiotherapist
in 大埔雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院 today. I admire your courage and endurance. I would like
to ask you a question, hopefully you can answer me. Here is my story; I got stroke on 17 Nov 2007, I was 33 back then,(almost 20 years younger than you. Poor me.)but the good news is that it is my left part paralyze. I guess my way to recover is easier than you unless you are left-hander.This is my question. I can now walk with a stick but there is not much progress with my left hand. My leg recover much more faster than my arm. Did you have the same problem before? Thanks for reading my email. In case you have MSN, you can add me with this email address I am sending you now Thanks and regards, |
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Hi Wilkin,
If you have trouble to do A16 and B09, you can do B16A first, after a period of time, you will be able to do A14, A16 and B09. Keep on doing exercises every day (Monday - Sunday), after a month you'll see the different. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Hi Andy,
Thank you very much for your advice, I will work very hard on those exercises but I have trouble to do A16 and b09.I will try my best to overcom it. Thank you once again for your patient. Best Regards, Wilkin |
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Hi Wilkin,
That is a good test for balancing. If you want to have good balancing (when you are walking) and walk like a normal man, I suggest you to emphasize on the following exercises in my 「中風康復100式」. A07, A13, A16, B01, B02, B04, B05, B07, B08, B08A, B09, B10, B11, B12 Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Hi Andy,
According to your article 我要做個正常人, 金雞獨立 seems the best practice to walk like a normal person. Thanks, |
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Hi Wilkin,
According to my experience, it takes about 5-6 months for me to walk like a normal man (please refer to my article 我要做個正常人). Actually, it depends on how much efforts you have spent on doing the right exercises. As I remember, at the first 9 months after I got stroke, I spent 3 hours a day to do various exercises (「中風康復100式」). I am currently spending 2 hours a day to do the exercises, and believe that I will be totally recovered in the future! Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Hi Andy,
Thank you so much for your quick respond. I am quite frustrated with my left arm/hand and I wonder how long it takes me to walk like a normal person. Because I need to go back to work before mid April otherwise I will have no income. Best Regards, Wilkin |
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Hi Wilkin,
Thank you very much for your email and telling me your story. Yes, the recovery of the leg is much faster than the arm/hand, because the leg is mainly used for walking only which is quite simple. But the hand is far more complicated! We use our hands to do many things in a tactful way. Every arm or hand movement would involve the co-operation of lots of small muscle, which is very difficult for a stroke patient. I started walking the next day after I got stroke! But I am still doing lots of arm/hand exercises every day to strengthen my right arm/hand. Hope I answered your question. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Dear Andy: 看了您的故事,讓我信心大增。我是一位剛中風不久的患者,小弟是左側偏癱。謝謝您分享您的歷程,也佩服您的勇氣,恭喜您痊癒。關於康復100式中的初式裡,其中有些動作本人還無法動作,像是腳指跟手指開合,腳掌上下擺動,或小腿後彎,不知您當初是否有同樣情況,該如何進一步解決?感謝您! 祝 安康 2008/3/2 上午 09:39:44 |
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謝謝您在我的「半邊人」網頁留言! 以我的經驗,手指、腳趾、腳掌等部份在中風初期是無法活動的,但在物理治療師的幫助下,大約一個月左右才開始恢復輕微的活動能力,只要恢復了活動能力便應加強手指、腳趾、腳掌的運動。 中風雖然是一種嚴重的疾病,但慶幸的是整個康復過程主要是靠病者努力做運動,而非如其他疾病般以醫生和藥物來治療。所以李先生切勿灰心,好好把握首六個月的「黃金康復期」,努力做運動不要鬆懈,康復之期不遠矣! 請問李先生以下幾個問題: 1. 李先生病發多久? 2. 現在是否尚在康復醫院留醫或是已出院,現正接受日間治療? 3. 李先生是否願意把在本人的「半邊人」網頁的留言公開,讓其他病友及家屬參考以作鼓勵(有如本人公開我的經歷一樣)? 祝 早日康復 盧敏銳(Andy Lo) 2008年3月3日 |
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Dear Lo: 感謝您的回覆 1.小弟目前發病還不滿2個月 2.目前正在康復醫院做日間治療 3.可以公開的 |
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謝謝您的回信! 很高興得悉你尚未錯過首六個月的「黃金康復期」,只要在這六個內月每天勤做運動,康復進度是十分迅速的(請參閱本人"終於戰勝了中風,我痊癒了!"一文)。李先生在康復的過程中如遇上一些困難或問題,請隨時跟我聯絡,本人十分樂意與你分享我的康復經驗的。努力!加油! 祝 早日康復 盧敏銳(Andy Lo) |
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Dear Lo:
謝謝您的鼓勵! |
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首先請問李先生有沒有使用「壓手板」來拉長手指的筋?因中風後手部癱瘓以致手指的筋收縮,把手指向內拉扯引致手指向內屈曲,所以把手指合上很容易,但打開便比較困難。 建議: 1. 用「壓手板」來拉長手指的筋,並用右手(好手)協助癱瘓的手指做「打開」的動作; 2. 下次到醫院做康復運動時向物理治療師提出這問題。還記得我在九龍醫院時物理治療師便是使用電脈衝機來幫助我做手指做「打開」和「合上」的動作的 盧敏銳(Andy Lo) 2008年3月3日 |
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Dear Lo:
小弟暸解了,真是感謝您的解答。 |
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Dear Andy,
首先祝賀你從病患中康復,而且願意把過程中的點滴與有需要的人分享。本人是服務長期病患者及其家屬的社工,並主要負責中風病科,如果將來有需要借用你的資料向其他病友分享的話,我會先聯絡你! Frankie Chou |
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Hello Frankie,
謝謝您的來函! 希望我這個「半邊人」網頁能協助所有「半邊人」渡過難關,早日得以康復。這正是我花了數月寫了三萬多字來完成這網頁的主要原因。請把這網頁傳給有需要的人,使更多「半邊人」明白到如何面對中風這嚴重疾病和康復的過程。「助己助人,活得精彩!」正是我的承諾。 祝 工作愉快,身體健康 Andy Lo |
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你好, 我是透過盧先生轉介而冒名打擾。
我本身家人中風後遇有情緒問題, 特來請教; 得知你今天出外"帶組", 繼後會放假幾天, 故有勞方便時盡快給我回覆, 謝謝。 拜託, 不勝感激。 (趙小姐) |
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Hi Andy, Congratulations on your web and your willingness to share your experience with other. People who are going through what you had gone through will benefit from reading your writing! Ross |
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Hi Ross,
Thank you for your message! Hope my experience will benefit most stroke people and help them to overcome the difficulties due to stroke. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Dear Andy,
劫後重生, 當中艱辛不為人道; 你的"辛" 換來今天的"樂", 實在值得驕傲! Annie Wu |
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Hello Annie,
謝謝您的留言和鼓勵! 但願這個「半邊人」康復的故事,能為所有「半邊人」(中風的病友)立下一個榜樣。我所走過的路同樣是所有病友曾走過(或將要走)的路,這路雖然不容易走,但只要有決心和恆心,此路必定可以帶領我們踏上康復的大道。 很高興能與大家(包括健康和患病的朋友)分享康復過程中的苦與樂,我們不論身處逆境或順境,只要以平常心面對,積極地走要走的路,一定可以走出一條康莊大道。 盧敏銳(Andy Lo) |
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It is really impressing. You are a good guy. Even today is difficult for us. Brighter future is just next to us. Tse |
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Hi Tse,
Thank you for you message. Hope this web page can help other stroke patients. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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Dear Andy,
I've read your stroy and very impressed and encouraging. It is a great idea to help the young patient suffering from stroke. Thanks for your effect! Could you say more why you are so strong to cope with the sudden impact of stroke and how to go through it? Best wishes, |
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Hi Patrick,
Thank you so much for your message! Yes, I am going to write more about this in the next few months in details. Hoping that my story can encourage the new stroke patients to face their physical problems due to stroke. Best regards, Andy Lo |
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